Monday, January 2, 2012

Unlimited Potential ( Mugen no Kanousei)

"How did this happen... of all people why do I have to? I just wanted to live a normal and peaceful life!"

8:00AM September 9th, 2013
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up already!"
"W-what?" Ice replies  in a drowsy voice while he hears his alarm clock and his sister yelling at the same time causing an uproar in his small bedroom full of anime goods.
"You're going to be late for the first day of high school, You know it's not middle school anymore...besides... i- it's not like I wanted you to make it to school on time you know."
"That's right sis. I'm now a average  high school student named Ice Elwood ready to step into his adulthood of high school year! Besides the fact  sis, you shouldn't aim for that tsundere status. You're too boyish for that."

As Ice scratches his eyes, yawns, and stretches, he finally notices the alarm clock's time and jumps up from the bed while smelling the fresh brewed morning coffee and a slight scent of the morning toast that is waiting for him. While getting up from the bed, his sister Aki without holding back, throws the knife at Ice barely missing him by an inch.

"What was that for? I almost died just now!" 
"Shut up. "
Ice is thinking what he did wrong to make her mad like that to even throw a knife at him with such strong killing intent.
As Ice proceeds to open the window and smells the fresh air outside, he hears the young boys yelling and playing while the girls are strolling along relaxed  with their bags. Ice quickly then remembers back at  looking at the clock and remembered what time it is.

"Umm sis, is this clock right?"

As Ice ask in a slight scared tone while he looks at his sister with a nervous face and sees her face red and angry while she nods making Ice see a demon or satan inside of her.

Ice then quickly gets on his kness and holds his hands together while he begs for forgiveness and fake cries.

"Sis! I'm sorry! y ou have to let me go with you to school with your potential or else I 'm going to be late!"
 The loving sister then puts on a smile but in a instant, her smile becomes a pissed face and with a flash, she disappeared into thin air leaving only her small trace of her scent .

"Ugh, late on first day of school.. how lame, everyone's gonna think I'm trying to seek attention or something... that sadistic sister of mine..."
He possible couldn't seek attention on the first day of high school like this due to his personality.

Ice then turned on the stove with a pot full of water and proceeded to turn on the computer while grabbing the blanket on his way.


The monitor shows Wondrows XP and a few second later shows his favorite anime wallpaper; TigerDragon.
In Ice's mind he has now completely forgot about school and had the sole intent of trolling the internet forums as his usual hobby is to troll the #channelers whenever he doesn't go to school.

At this moment Ice had the happiest smile he has ever had until he heard a angry  voice behind him.
He knew what was going to happen to him now.

"What do you think you're doing?"  As Ice  hears an scary voice behind him that sounded like a devil.
Ice quickly then manually shut off the computer and got on his knees asking for forgiveness.

"Crap...Sorry.. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"
Aki had a disappointed look as she grabbed onto Ice's arm making Ice feel a little tense.
"Ugh, Bro you're so hopeless.."

 In less than a second the two brother and sister was now in front of the school sign that said " Potential High School"
It's as the school sign says, this school was built specially to test,train, and use potential users to their everyday lives. The kids are even separated because of this, making a person like me in the Beta rank while a useful potential user like Aki is in the Sigma rank.

"Hi Seto!" As Aki speaks in the happiest tone of her voice..
"Hey Aki, you missed me?"

Dammit I hate him so much... I can't believe my sister would date a bastard like him. I wonder if it's his potential ability or something that made my sister like him.

"So sis I guess you kissed Seto too since were near him and was able to transport to him"
"Well obviously! He's my boyfriend!"

"Are you jelly Ice? You sister lover"
 At this point Ice had his hands formed into a fist and was ready to fight Seto, however Aki quickly  enough, knew  what was bound to happen so she quickly grabbed onto Seto's hands and jogged off while Seto looked back at Ice and smiled.

8:30AM September 9th, 2013.
"Hey Ice!"
As Ice turns around, he see two familiar faces. One with a goofy like smile,short in height, and long named Haru and the other being completely opposite with a sly smile. average in height, and short white hair.named Ikki.

"Yo! have you guys seen the new episode of Haroohi Soozuemeyah?" as Ice said in a sketchy tone while he frantically glance around the class for his  crush Miya to be in the same class with him this year. Alas, the girl was nowhere to be seen in the class.

"I guess she wouldn't be in a class full of Beta potential users... heh."
High school is much different than before, kids and even adults are now separated into 7 ranks of people.after the 2012 mass reconstruction of the world, where people are now  capable of using inhumane powers known as potentials which are separated into ranks, levels, and categories.
The 7 ranks are;
Beta- the lowest rank potential users which are considered the weakest and useless potential users.
Gamma- the 2nd lowest consisting of few useful potential users and has the most creativity category  potential users.
Alpha- the 3rd lowest, known as the "regulars" with Alpha being most common potential users.
Sigma- This is where the gap widens amongst the ranks.After this ramk people are considered more valuable since most can use up to their 2nd level potential..
Epsilon- Known as "Elites". usually elites are full of the mental potentials amongst the 3 potential categories.
Upsilon- The "Kings"  which has common potentials of the physical potentials.
Omega- Otherwise known as "Gods" these are the few potential users that have two or more potentials and/or has up to their 3rd level potential.
"TAKE YOUR SEATS EVERYONE!!" As Mr.Goro screamed while entering the class
"Aww Goro Again?He transferred over to high school? Here goes another boring year of high school." as Haru's telepathy potential came talking to Ice's mind.
"Honestly not the boring Goro again."  Wait...was that out loud?
Ice look around the class and confirmed that it was out loud.
My first day of high school and already made a fool of myself *sigh*.

Ice looked around the classroom once more to double check if Miya was in the same class but to his luck, she wasn't.
Ice thought to himself that maybe he could see her at least once before school ends.
What a joy kill.

12:00PM September 9th , 2013, PE FIELD.
"Alright Betas, let's see now... run 10 laps around the school" as Mr.Goro spoke to the class as if he was annoyed.
"Tsk" " Fucking Goro" as the whole class moaned and whined while Ice's two friends were playing rock paper scissors deciding who will tell Mr.Goro about his zipper being unzipped.
The decisive match has ended, Ice lost.

As Ice raises his hand, he speaks out loud in front of the class to Mr.Goro.
"Mr.Goro your zipper is unzipped you better check it."
In a instance the whole class started blurting out in laughter while the infamous Mr.Goro was flustered and screamed to the kids to do 20 laps instead.
The whole class started to mumble and groan even more but started running since Mr.Goro would just give them even more laps if they continued.

At that moment, Ice saw her, Miya Hartfeld with her small face, her sparkling eyes, her blonde hair,...her everything  that just makes you want to be with her.
"RUN FASTER BETAS!" as Goro just killed the mood and yelled.
Damn that Goro.

3PM-September 9th 2013- After School

"Aww are you serious it's raining?"

As Ice complained while putting out his hand in the rain to feel the droplet of rain fall on him.
Then in a moment time, he saw her, the goddess Miya Hartfeld that was walking in the rain with her friends while she laughed and walked at a steady pace.

"Wait! it's my time to use my potential- "Emotion aura" to get to know her better.. With this I can know the true feelings about how Miya feels about me."

"Yo Ice! wait up!"
He then turns around and sees his two friend waving and jogging towards him. while putting their backpack on top of their heads to make the rain not fall on them.

"Let me guess, you want me to share this umbrella with three guys right?"
"You guessed it." As Haru jumbled into the small space of the umbrella while Ikki slowly went towards the umbrella as well.

I guess I'll have to wait til next time  with Miya.

3:05PM September 9th 2013 Split Road
"See ya" As Ice  wave and part away with his friends as he watched the two friends dashes away in the strong rain.


That sounds familiar.. Is that who I think it is?

As Ice rushes over and approach the abandoned parking lot, he witnesses a familiar face with a girl's uniform from his school and a strange man with a black coat attacking the girl.
He looked closer and noticed the girl was his crush Miya.

"I can't possibly fight against a potential user... I'm just a beta.. what can I do? Should I call for help? Should I call over Haru and Ikki? What do I do?" 

Either way.. I can't just stand here. I have to act now before I regret it like before.

"h-h-h-Hey y-y-you I don't think fighting against a girl is cool don't you think?" as Ice said in a shaky scared voice while his knees were knocking and trembling in the rain.
"Get lost, I don't have time to deal with you."
"Besides a potential user fighting against another potential user is illegal you know...and is considered vigilant"
:"That only matters if the government finds out kid. hahaha"
In that moment, Ice finally noticed a mark that made him stand in shock, he saw a Sigma mark on the strange man's forearm as soon as the man pulled his sleeves from his coat.

"I'm guessing your a beta trash right?"

The man was right. Ice is just a beta trash. He had no way of winning unless he found out the opponents potential.

""I grant thee fist level potential one day of my life, please make the water around that kid hot!"
Ice then noticed the steam rising from the water on the ground near him and stuck his hand out the umbrella and checked the water falling.
"What the this boiling water falling from the sky?"
"You guessed it Beta trash, my potential is to make water near a person hotter, freeze, or poisonous depending on what I decide."
"And it's raining..."  as Ice thought to himself.

This is bad. I'm at a total disadvantage
Am I going to die here? "How did this happen... of all people why do I have to? I just wanted to live a normal and peaceful life!"

The one advantage Ice had at this point now was the knowledge of the opponent's potential in which is one of the key basics in a fight against a potential vs potential.

" It can't be helped, I have no other choice but to use my potential... It's a race against time.. If my umbrella melts in the rain, I'll probably be burned to death with this water.."
"You're a thousand years too early to beat me kid. I'm bored now and I need to hurry and find the Time of Ark  potential user. I Grant thee second level potential one month of my life, make the water around Elwood poisonous!"

My  potential is... to find out their emotion and feelings within the aura... how can my potential work against him?
"This is bad... my potential won't work on a opponent like him..What can I do to win this match?.."
I have to think hard quickly...should I run out and attack him swiftly? Should I counterattack him somehow? think think think...That's it!

"Miya please let me see that"

Miya then quickly handed Ice the bag she was carrying and Ice quickly took out a mysterious item.

""It's over kid.. give up now and I'll let you off with a arm and a leg hahaha."
"After you revealed your potential..this match was already decided." 
"What?" as the man questioned.
"Your ability is to make a clear aura around me to make the water change.. but it also means that any water near me will turn either hot, frozen  or poisonous depending on your command."
"S-so? what about it? your words won't scare me"
"You know what this is right?, It's a canteen full of water... Actually it would be poison by  now huh?"
"Crap... I GRANT THEE -" as the man spoke quick he was soon cut off by Ice
"Too late."
In a moment of seconds Ice opened the canteen and slashed the ooze like liquid on the man causing the man to cry in agony and pain.

"You could change the water as whatever you want but the one weakness you had is that you aren't immune to your own power...It's over. Game, set, match, ERASE."
In a flash the man's existence disappeared, otherwise known as erased without leaving any trace of the man.

"Umm thank you for your help.." as Miya finally spoke with a scared yet soft tone.
"No prob! haha."
Suddenly the cute girl collapsed on the wet ground while the rain pours on her hard in the midst of her smiling.
This is so cliche... a guy saving a girl like this.. as Ice thought to himself while holding the girl softly in his arms.

"I better take her home before she gets sick."
Then Ice carried the girl Miya on his back while exiting the abandoned parking lot now full of melted poles, rubble,  and destroyed ground.

"Interesting.. a beta  winning against a sigma.. kukuku... I'll be expecting more Ice Elwood."  Suddenly  the other mysterious man that was hiding dispersed into the darkness.
"Weird. I felt someone's presence.. I guess not."

Potential rule 1: A person erased will reincarnate to a new existence with only 1% chance of getting a new potential without memories of his/her past existence.


I have changed Ice's powers due to the other one's being too hard to use. I will follow up on 2nd chapter probably by Wednesday. Thank you to anyone following my blog.

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